Botanical candles are now on trend and the demand for them continues to grow + there is almost no competition in this niche.
Ideal for mothers on maternity leave
In order not to go crazy from groundhog day and have additional income without leaving home
Working girls
Who want to find a hobby for the soul and get away from the daily routine. It is a pleasure to work with wax and flowers
Who want to diversify their product range. Unsold flowers can be used to make an additional commercially profitable product
Studying is easy to combine with the main job, because it is on the record in constant access. So that everyone can practice at their own comfortable pace.
My name is Anya and I know everything about flowers and wax. I set trends in botanical candles and teach how to create an exclusive. I have experience in floristry for 8 years. And first of all, I am a practicing master who creates a high-quality product.
I have a premium brand of botanical candles "BC botanicals candles" and we successfully sell eco-friendly candles all over the country. I also teach a creative profession. And how to make money from your favorite business
My goal is to let as many people as possible know about such amazing flower candles. They really bring light, beauty, goodness and fill with living energy.
My telegram @flowers_art
About me
The course is on record, you can watch it at any convenient time, from anywhere in the world.
Creating flower candles is a very exciting and creative process that absolutely anyone can master.
My students successfully create and sell botanical candles not only in In Russia, but also in Switzerland, Greece, Ukraine, Jordan and other foreign countries.
Look at the flower candles my students create after the course. Many people start taking orders while they are still studying and quickly recoup their investments.
All materials are freely available on Google Drive, please register an email at
Lessons on making botanical candles (introduction and technology of creation)
The 6 most effective ways for volumetric and flat drying of flowers (theory and practice)
Where to get dried flowers, paid and free
Which dry plants are suitable for candles (review of my dried flowers)
A list of necessary materials for studying (analysis of tools and ideal molds) links where you can order
Aromatization of candles
A list of useful shops for candlemakers
How to choose a wick
Instructions and safety precautions (for customers)
Useful memos and tips that can be printed (on working with wax and temperature)
Masterclass: commercial and gift packaging of botanical candles.
Masterclass: reliable and safe packaging for logistics across the country.
Examples of inner and outer packaging.
Shops where it is profitable to order the necessary materials.
Suitable for people with experience in candle making
Suitable for people with any knowledge base, even experienced masters will be able to improve their work
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The Botanical Club
It was important for me to create a community connected by one thing, the love of beauty, where everyone can share their success or failures and be supported, because in a new business it is crucial. I do not restrict access, we are always in touch and communicate 24/7.
The Botanical Club is not just a feedback chat with the curator, it is a chat of like—minded people where everyone shares their experience.
Join the courses as soon as you are ready!
Botanical candles are not only beautiful, but also eco-friendly. It is a pleasure to work with wax and flowers. I'm sure you'll like it.